Android Auto - Whatsapp Notifications

All Vauxhall Grandland related discussions
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:43 pm

Post by RyanUK »


I've owned a 21 plate Grandland x since Sept 2023. I've used Android Auto via USB cable almost every drive, and its been pretty consistent.

However, recently noticed that I'm not getting pop-up notifications for whatsapp. It used to play a chime, and then the message would display in a banner. Now the only notification I get is the notifications counter next to the clock at the bottom left of the screen - which means you have to check manually.

Tried all the usual stuff - restarted phone , restarted iLink, checked all Android Auto, Whatsapp, and google assistant notification settings. No luck so far.

SMS messages chimes/banners notifications come through ok.

Can anyone else confirm this behaviour - or any other advice?

Grateful for any support.


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